
Aanbiedingsprijs€54,99 EUR

CT-Biotic is een probiotisch supplement dat 11 bacteriestammen en BioActive Carbon® Together bevat Beschermt bacteriën tegen maagzuur.

Verbetert de spijsvertering

Verhoogt de immuniteit

S Ondersteunt ontgifting

Ondersteunt de natuurlijke ontgiftingsprocessen van het lichaam

CT-Biotic in CellCore Protocols

CT-Biotic is part of Phase 4B and Optimize B in the Comprehensive Protocol. It can be taken at any time to aid detoxification, digestion, and immune health.

However, it is important to note that CT-Biotic should be taken at least one hour apart from any supplements in the IS-formula and Para product lines, as well as GCO.

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