KL Support
KL Support combines herbs and nutrients traditionally used to support kidney and liver health
Encourages healthy kidney & liver function
Supports urinary tract function
Supports healthy metabolism
Aids natural detox processes
Maintaining healthy kidney and liver function is crucial for overall well-being, particularly during periods of cleansing.
KL Support blends a selection of herbs and nutrients with established histories of promoting kidney and liver health. These ingredients include beetroot, gynostemma extract, marshmallow root, milk thistle seed, N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC), and parsley leaf. This combination aids in fat metabolism, supports hepatic blood flow, promotes healthy urinary tract and bladder function, and facilitates the body's innate detoxification processes.
Dosage and instructions
Directions: Take 2 capsules twice daily,
or as otherwise directed by a healthcare
practitioner. Can be taken with or without
BioActive Carbon Complex
Proprietary Blend
N-Acetyl Cysteine (NAC)Milk Thistle, Parsley, Gynostemma, Collinsonia Root, Beet Root, Marshmallow Root
KL-Support is found in Cellcore Protocols
KL Support is part of Step 1 in the Foundational Protocol, as well as Phases 1 and 4A in the Comprehensive Protocol.
It's worth noting that KL Support can be safely consumed independently from the protocol. Our practitioners can suggest its usage at various stages, tailored to your individual requirements.
Your questions about Cellcore KL-Support answered
Can KL Support cause detox symptoms?
KL Support encourages the body's natural detoxification pathways. You might encounter slight detox responses like fatigue or headaches. If so, consider opening the capsules to lower the dosage and consult your healthcare provider.
Is KL-Support safe for Kids?
Please consult with one of our practitioners for guidance on KL-Support for kids.
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